Whether you want to bulk up or tone, you'll find everything you need to know about exercise here.

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3 tips you need to know when working out

Did you know you can be working out consistently and still not get the results you want? Here are 3 tips to switch things up to get better results.

How to Deal with Nerves at the Gym

Are you self conscious at the gym? Here are a few quick tips to help you feel a little less nervous and uncomfortable at the gym.

Finding your why is more important than finding your how

How you go about losing weight and getting healthier is important, but you need to find your why. Discover how to pinpoint your why for better health.

How to Make Food a Part of Your Marathon Training

Nutrition is necessary for fueling your runs. Learn what food and drinks to have when, to enhance your marathon training.

4 Foods to eat for strength training

Fueling your body the right way can maximize your strength gains.

3 tips you need to know when working out

Did you know you can be working out consistently and still not get the results you want? Here are 3 tips to switch things up to get better results.

How to Deal with Nerves at the Gym

Are you self conscious at the gym? Here are a few quick tips to help you feel a little less nervous and uncomfortable at the gym.

Finding your why is more important than finding your how

How you go about losing weight and getting healthier is important, but you need to find your why. Discover how to pinpoint your why for better health.

How Caffeine Boosts Exercise Performance

Caffeine not only gets us going in the morning. Find out what makes caffeine an effective exercise booster and how to use it to up your gym game.

Fit fuel: what to eat before and after a workout

Fueling your workouts with good nutrition is an essential factor of fitness performance, recovery, and muscle building. Here's why.

Protein Powder: The Hidden Scoop

Let's shake-up the science on whether or not you need protein powder and which types are best suited for your goals.

How to Refuel during a Run

Get the facts on how to refuel when running a race, what to refuel with, and why refueling is important to performance.

A Runner’s Guide to Fruits and Vegetables

What you eat is just as important as how hard you train. Here we will focus on the importance of fruits and vegetables to a runner's diet.

Showing 10 of a total of 236 stories.