How healthy is your diet, really?

Calories aren't the only measurement of how healthy your food is. Discover how to make more nutritious food choices with Lifesum's food rating tool.

Keto breakfast with grilled bacon and avocado, fried eggs, spinach and cherry tomatoes

Did you know the same number of calories can be in the same foods and they can still contain completely different vitamins and nutrients? Case in point, there are 200 calories in both 34 grams of fried bacon and 125 grams of avocado (link), but nutritionally, the two foods couldn’t be more different. Avocado contains 7 grams of fiber and 2.1 grams of saturated fat per 100 grams, while fried bacon contains zero fiber, and almost 7 times the amount of saturated fat.

This is why Lifesum created the food and meal ratings.

Food ratings help you by showing which foods are healthier (despite the number of calories they contain). The ratings are generated based on the ratios of each of the macronutrients they contain, the food group they belong to, and how calorie dense they are (per 100 calories). If the food you’re eating isn’t processed, isn’t very calorie dense, and contains a healthy distribution of carbs, fat, protein, sugar, fiber and sodium, it will get a higher, more positive food rating. These are the kinds of foods you want to eat more of.

Meal ratings are a little different. Obviously when you’re eating a meal, you aren’t always eating a lot of one particular food, but rather a mix of a few different foods. This means that where some foods may be poor in some nutrients, other foods are richer in them, and in this way you get all the nutrients you need from the whole meal. The meal ratings take this into account. They consider how well the meal met your recommended calorie intake amount, what macronutrients and micronutrients made you the meal, and whether foods you ate were healthy overall.

Taking things a step further, the day ratings look at your whole day; considering everything below, so that you can see if you might need to make changes to one or some of your meals, or all of them.

While food ratings and meal ratings aren’t available for meal plans in the app, they are available for diet plans. In the case of diet plans, the rating will adjust based on how well the food meets the criteria set by the specific meal plan. This means that if you eat a fattier snack of cheese and nuts on a keto diet plan, it will receive a more positive rating than if you are the same snack on a classic diet.

Find a Diet you love

Find a nutritious Diet that fits your lifestyle and food preferences. Take charge of your daily habits with one of the many ongoing Diets including Clean Eating and High Protein.

Start a simplified Meal Plan

Follow a 7-21 day Meal Plan and get four pre-planned recipes a day. Depending on your health goals, there are many Meal Plans to choose from including Keto Burn and Vegan for a week.

Enjoy hundreds of tasty and nutritious recipes

Enjoy hundreds of easy-to-cook recipes filled with nutritious and tasty food. All of the recipes include information about their nutritional value so you can keep track of your daily energy intake.

Use the helpful barcode scanner

Identify your food items with the super easy-to-use barcode scanner. Scan the item, log it and get the nutritional information you need to stay on track.

Track your way to success

Track your activities and what you eat with the help of our food-, exercise- and water trackers to maintain a balanced everyday life.

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To help you reach your goals and customize your health journey you can add your favorite meals, food items, recipes and exercises to your Favorites.

All of the content and media on Lifesum is created and published for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Users should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice. If you have or think you are at risk of developing an eating disorder, do not use the Lifesum app and seek immediate medical help.

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