How to Improve Your Health with Lifesum

Discover how the Lifesum app helps you lose weight, develop healthier habits, and bulk up in safe, effective, and sustainable ways.

Woman using Lifesum on her phone at her kitchen

Lifesum offers a variety of ways to improve your health and fitness. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, simply develop healthier habits, or bulk up, there are lots of different ways the app can help you.

Let’s start with the diary. The app’s main landing page contains a diary where you can keep track of your food intake and your exercise. You can easily track meals and snacks, through use of the barcode scanner, photo tracker, or simple calorie entry, and the app shows you exactly what is in the foods you track, all the way down to the macro and micronutrients.

Speaking of macros and micros; the app also makes it easy to track your macros. You’ll be able to see the carb, fat and protein percentages of each food you track or search for, along with details such as sodium, sugar, potassium and magnesium.

If inspiration is where you struggle most with healthy eating and dieting, then the app’s recipes and meal plans are exactly what you need. There are weight loss meal plans, keto meal plans, and vegan meal plans, to name a few; these give you a shopping list along with a meal-by-meal plan of what to eat each day; and there are a variety of diet plans, including plans for intermittent fasting, the Mediterranean diet, high protein dieting, and keto.

The recipes in the app are designed to cater to every type of diet, and every type of eater. If you are someone who needs quick meals, there are recipes for you; if you’re someone who can’t eat nuts or dairy, there are recipes for you too. Whatever your needs, Lifesum has you covered.

Question 1 of 8What’s your primary goal?

What’s your primary goal?

In terms of building healthy habits, Lifesum has a lot of ways to make it easy to eat the right foods and boost your overall health. The vegetable, fruit, seafood, and water trackers help you see exactly where you’re falling short and where it would benefit you to do a little more. The ratings for foods, meals and days, also helps you to see just how healthy you are. After all, it’s easier to make the right choices when you know what they are.

Overall, Lifesum offers you several different ways to make a healthier you an achievable and enjoyable reality.

Find a Diet you love

Find a nutritious Diet that fits your lifestyle and food preferences. Take charge of your daily habits with one of the many ongoing Diets including Clean Eating and High Protein.

Start a simplified Meal Plan

Follow a 7-21 day Meal Plan and get four pre-planned recipes a day. Depending on your health goals, there are many Meal Plans to choose from including Keto Burn and Vegan for a week.

Enjoy hundreds of tasty and nutritious recipes

Enjoy hundreds of easy-to-cook recipes filled with nutritious and tasty food. All of the recipes include information about their nutritional value so you can keep track of your daily energy intake.

Use the helpful barcode scanner

Identify your food items with the super easy-to-use barcode scanner. Scan the item, log it and get the nutritional information you need to stay on track.

Track your way to success

Track your activities and what you eat with the help of our food-, exercise- and water trackers to maintain a balanced everyday life.

Create your own health journey

To help you reach your goals and customize your health journey you can add your favorite meals, food items, recipes and exercises to your Favorites.

All of the content and media on Lifesum is created and published for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Users should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice. If you have or think you are at risk of developing an eating disorder, do not use the Lifesum app and seek immediate medical help.

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