Lifesum’s in-House Nutritionist Predicts Food Trends of 2014

This year, we will: Have an even greater emphasis on unprocessed/real foods in general. Eat more gluten free products even though we’re not diagn…

This year, we will:

  • Have an even greater emphasis on unprocessed/real foods in general.
  • Eat more gluten free products even though we’re not diagnosed with gluten intolerance.
  • Focus more on eliminating mindless eating.
  • See more of the mediterranean cousine.
  • See more of some specific foods like nut milks, seaweed and ancient grains like amaranth, chia seeds, millets or kamut wheat.
  • See the balanced and personalized diets outrun the fad diets.

The last one is more of a wish than a prediction. When it comes to fad diets there’s often at least some truth to it but the thing is, different types of alternative diets do not need to compete with one another. You don’t necessarily have to put a label on what kind of diet you’re eating. As a nutritionist I’m more interested in you finding a balanced diet that feels good and works for you. That could include a mix of different theories and ideas adapted from different diets.

In order to make those healthy choices it’s important that you’re provided with all the good information needed. One diet might focus on eliminating simple carbs and added sugar while other diets emphasizes on a specific cousine like the nordic diet. Both of those kind of diets includes some theories that you would benefit from and a mix between those could get you closer to your health goals. Let’s have a look at what diets the US world and news reports suggests will be the Diet trends of 2014.

What does your mix of diets look like?

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