#onefoodtwoways Butternut Squash

Roast it, toast it, purèe it; anything is possible.…

Roast it, toast it, purèe it; anything is possible.
Stuffed – set the oven to 390 F (200 C), cut the squash lengthways in half, scoop out the seeds, pierce the halves with a knife and then drizzle them with oil, salt, and black pepper. Roast for 40 minutes, and in the meantime combine chopped feta, pine nuts, black olives and cooked quinoa in a bowl with a little lemon juice. Remove the roasted butternut squash from the oven and place the quinoa salad in each half, enjoy!

Soup – set the oven to 390 F (200 C), cut the squash lengthways in half, scoop out the seeds, pierce the halves with a knife and then drizzle them with oil and salt. Roast them for 40 minutes, making sure to turn them halfway through. In the meantime, boil 4 large carrots (chopped) in 1 cup (250 ml) of vegetable stock. When the carrots are very soft, drain almost all of the water. Remove the roasted butternut squash from the oven, cut out the cooked pieces and place them in a blender, add the chopped carrots and the carrot water and blend. If the mixture is too thick, add more water as desired. Serve!

RELATED: #onefoodtwoways Broccolini

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