
Serves 4 à 250 ml (1 glass: 80 kcal, 3 g protein, 0 g fat, 16 g carbs)   Ingredients: 1 heaped teaspoon loose green tea 2 medium-sized oranges 35…

Serves 4 à 250 ml (1 glass: 80 kcal, 3 g protein, 0 g fat, 16 g carbs)



  • 1 heaped teaspoon loose green tea
  • 2 medium-sized oranges
  • 350 g cooked beetroot
  • 50 g kale
  • 250 ml carrot juice
  • carrot slices or fresh herbs for the garnish



1. Prepare an infusion of the green tea with 250 ml of hot water and leave it for 3-5 minutes.  Peel the oranges so that none of the white skin is left. Cut out the segments with a sharp knife. Squeeze the juices form the leftover skin. Remove the tea leaves from the water and let it cool down. Drain the beetroot and cut it into small pieces. Wash the kale, shake it dry and take away the hard middle parts.

2. Puree tea, orange segments and juice, kale, beetroot and carrot juice with a hand mixer. Pour the smoothie into 4 glasses and garnish. Serve right away.

(Optionally you can use chard instead of kale. Improve the taste by adding celery leaves and 1 tablespoon of hemp seeds.)


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