The Pros of Pre- And Probiotics

Probiotics are living microorganisms in good bacteria that can be good for your gut. It can be an idea to try if you struggle with digestive issu…

If I said probiotics, would you have any idea what I was talking about? Don’t worry you’re not alone. Probiotics and prebiotics have become buzzwords in recent times, but what are they, and why should you care about them?


Probiotics are living microorganisms in good bacteria that can be good for your gut. It can be an idea to try if you struggle with digestive issues, often have diarrhea, or have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Probiotics are available in a wide number of everyday foods. Some of the best include yogurt, sauerkraut, pickles, buttermilk, and some types of cheese.

Prebiotics are different to probiotics, but also good for your health. These are the food of healthy microorganisms. Most prebiotics come in the form of soluble fibers that are metabolized by good gut microbes, and they also improve gut health.

If you’re looking for good sources of prebiotics, there are plenty of non-supplement options. Healthline recommends garlic and onion, leek, bananas, asparagus, apples, flaxseed, and seaweed, among others.

The great thing about prebiotics and probiotics is that they’re a simple way to improve your overall health. You don’t need to completely revamp your diet or start taking a handful of supplements, you can just add a few things to your regular meals. Here are our best tips for adding prebiotics and probiotics to your diet:

1 – Add Sauerkraut and pickles to your meals – you can put them on the side or incorporate them – it’s up to you, just don’t overthink it!

2 – Make yogurt based sauces and dips – skip the store-bought stuff, you can make your own healthier and cheaper sauces. One of our favorites is this yogurt and za’atar dip from Bon Appetit.

3 – Infuse oils with garlic and chili – this honestly couldn’t be much easier than it sounds, and it’s a simple way to add flavor to meals.

4 – Eat asparagus instead of broccoli every now and then – we love broccoli as much as the next guy, especially when it’s roasted, but don’t be afraid to swap it out once in a while. You can saute asparagus in the morning for breakfast, steam it, or blanch it and add it to crisp salads.

Look for recipes in the Lifesum app with these ingredients – there are a ton to inspire, and they’re not hard to make.

Remember, if you are struggling with stomach problems, don’t hesitate to contact your health care. If you have IBS, a dietary treatment called FODMAP can be good. This treatment excludes several kinds of prebiotics which irritates the stomach when you have IBS. In that case, all of my tips in this text will probably not work. This treatment should be done in consultation with a dietitian.

All of the content and media on Lifesum is created and published for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Users should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice. If you have or think you are at risk of developing an eating disorder, do not use the Lifesum app and seek immediate medical help.

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