Why You Should Use Lifesum’s Water Tracker

You already know that water is vital, but did you know how much just a small dehydration affects you? Use our water intake tracker to make sur…

Person holding a water bottle outdoors after workout

You already know that water is vital, but did you know how much just a small dehydration affects you? Use our water intake tracker to make sure you stay healthy and perform at your best!

Lifesum water trackerHow do I use Lifesum’s water tracker?

It’s easy to customize our Drink Water reminder app. In your Lifesum settings, you set a goal on how many glasses or bottles of water you want to drink per day and choose to enable water tips or not. Lifesum’s water app will then remind you to drink and track your water throughout the day through notifications (which you can switch off if you’d like).

Why should I use a water intake tracker?

It can be hard to remember to drink enough, but with our water reminders, you’ll create a good habit of rehydrating yourself. Also, just like all the best water tracker apps we vary your water intake recommendation based on your activity level. Lifesum is available for iPhone and Android and provides a great start to a healthier you!

How does my water intake affect me?


Water helps you to think clearly and stay concentrated all day.

Weight loss

Our bodies often mistake thirsts for hunger, so drinking more water will help you eat less and feel fuller for longer without unnecessary calories.


Easier, more efficient digestion – water keeps things flowing nicely and helps you digest food properly.


Drinking water helps to keep your blood flowing throughout the body and release toxins.


Drinking water will help you become happier and more alert.


Water helps your muscles perform at their best. They’ll be in better condition meaning you can build up your strength.

Stay hydrated and start tracking your water with Lifesum today! Sign up for an account below and download the free app from the App Store or Google Play to get started.



All of the content and media on Lifesum is created and published for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Users should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice. If you have or think you are at risk of developing an eating disorder, do not use the Lifesum app and seek immediate medical help.

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