What happens once you hit your goal weight? Eating healthy and focusing on your overall wellbeing is what maintaining your weight is all about.

Featured stories

Why Meal Plans Are Great for Losing Weight

Eating healthy can be a daunting challenge when you're starting out. Find out how and why Lifesum's Meal Plans make healthy eating easier.

Tracking Your Macronutrients Is More Important than You Think

Not all calories are created equal, especially regarding macros. Learn how to use a food tracker to make sure your optimal macro levels are met.

The Importance of Satiety and Protein Intake during Weight Loss

Whether you're trying to lose weight or maintain your goal weight, feeling full after eating is important. Find out how protein may be the key.

Navigating the Thanksgiving Plate by Diet

To boost your confidence going into your Thanksgiving meetups, we collected some plate picks for common eating plans.

Your Ultimate Guide to Healthier Menu Options at Top Food Chains

Eating out doesn't have to be difficult if you’re following a specific diet. We collected some menu items and tips for some of the top food chains.

Is Keto Making a Comeback?

Learn about the evolution of and basic principles of the keto diet.

Carbohydrates - Why Are They so Great?

Carbohydrates have being promoted as culprits for weight gain. We'll take a look at why we need crabs and which types are best for our bodies.

Why Meal Plans Are Great for Losing Weight

Eating healthy can be a daunting challenge when you're starting out. Find out how and why Lifesum's Meal Plans make healthy eating easier.

Tracking Your Macronutrients Is More Important than You Think

Not all calories are created equal, especially regarding macros. Learn how to use a food tracker to make sure your optimal macro levels are met.

Make These Easy Breakfasts

1. Egg + sausage muffins I love these, and the two below because they’re things you can make ahead of time, and freeze or store in Tupperware. Th…

How to Create a Nutrition Strategy

1. Know your training and eating schedule Taking the time to look over your schedule is one of the most important ways to guarantee success. When…

The 7 Best Diets of 2020 and Why They Work

Best diets to maintain weight Maintaining a good diet is all about creating long-term habits. That means having a diet that is easy to adapt to i…

The Importance of Satiety and Protein Intake during Weight Loss

Whether you're trying to lose weight or maintain your goal weight, feeling full after eating is important. Find out how protein may be the key.

Showing 10 of a total of 66 stories.