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10 different healthy diet plans straight to your Android or iPhone – All including whole foods, veggies, lea…

10 different healthy diet plans straight to your Android or iPhone – All including whole foods, veggies, lean protein, and healthy fats, and holding back on sugar, salt and processed food. No matter if you want to lose weight, gain weight, or get healthy, we have you covered. We even offer a free version of the app!

Lifesum offers a great amount of in-app recipes for each diet, but also includes a three week weight loss program with pre-planned meals. Are you having trouble sticking to diets? The meal plan is a great way to kick-start your weight loss journey. Sign up and download the app from App Store or Google Play to get started!

If you don’t know which diet plan to choose, take our diet test to find the best diet plan for you, or read about the diets below.

Which diet is perfect for you?

Question 1 of 8What’s your primary goal?

What’s your primary goal?

Our selection of weight loss diet plans, healthy diet plans, and diet plans to gain weight

Ketogenic Diet Strict

Get a faster metabolism with a no carb diet plan.

Ketogenic strict example dishes

This is the best diet plan for quick weight loss without hunger. Your meals will include lots of fats like olive oil, cheese, and butter, but no starchy carbs like bread and pasta. Since Ketogenic Strict has an all or nothing approach, it’s a great diet plan for those who need simple rules and want to lose weight fast.

Why it works

If following the plan successfully, your body ends up in ketosis – a stage where fat storage is used as energy instead of sugar/glucose.

When consuming fat without carbs, you’ll also experience an appetite reduction which makes you eat smaller portions naturally.

Ketogenic Diet Medium

Transition into a low-carb, high-fat lifestyle.

Keto medium example dishes

Similar to Ketogenic Strict, but with a less tough approach to carbs. It can be used as a transition plan into a low-carb lifestyle to make sure your body adapts, or when you want to slowly increase your carb intake after a stricter plan.

Your meals will include an increased amount of fat such as olive oil, butter, and cheese, and a decreased amount of starchy carbs like pasta. This plan is well suited for people who want to enjoy the benefits of a low carb, high fat plan without restricting themselves more than necessary.

Why it works

Your body will get used to a lower amount of carbs and start using its fat storage as energy. You’ll feel fuller from a more stable blood sugar, but also experience a reduced appetite while not combining carbs with fat.

Ketogenic Diet Easy / Low Carb Diet

Eat fewer carbs for stable energy levels and steady weight loss. (Or just to get healthier.)

Ketogenic easy example dishes

With this low carb diet plan, you’ll eat carbs with a low glycaemic index for a stable blood sugar. The diet will include high fibre carbs like oats, quinoa, and vegetables, healthy fats and a good amount of protein.

This low carb diet plan suits people who need an energy boost and want to feel satisfied after their meals. In other words, it’s the perfect diet plan to lose weight while still feeling energized. Ketogenic Easy works to improve ones health in general.

Why it works

The combination of fiber, healthy fats, and protein leads to a high satiety where you never have to feel hungry.

It’s an easy approach to decrease carbs while you can still consume most of your normal dishes – simply switch your cornflakes for oats or your pasta for quinoa.

5:2 Diet

Fast 2 days a week and eat normally the other 5.

5:2 diet example dishes

Fasting 2 days a week is a simple way to lose weight without feeling like you’re constantly on a diet. (Just make sure not to eat more than you normally would on your normal eating days.)

On your fasting days, you’ll eat very low calorie diet plan consisting of things such as vegetables, fruit or fish. The other 5 days you’ll be recommended to eat whatever you want within reason, yet to avoid sweets and junk food.

A fasting diet plan is perfect for people who need easy rules yet want to consume what they feel like on a weekly basis. If successfully following the plan, you will benefit from mental clarity, healthy blood lipid levels, and a kick- start into a weight loss journey.

Why it works

Your weekly calorie consumption will be heavily reduced from your 2 days of fasting, which contributes to a successful weight loss.

When not eating for a certain number of hours, your body has time to clear out rest products from all the normal food you eat, making you feel more energized over time. Research also suggests that fasting contributes to longevity by causing cells to repair themselves.

6:1 Diet

Only diet once a week – and still lose weight.

6:1 diet example dishes

This is a less challenging fasting diet plan, yet with all the health benefits of hardcore fasting, and with steady weight loss.

On your fasting day, you’ll eat a very low calorie diet plan consisting of things such as vegetables, fruit or fish. The other 6 days you’ll be allowed to eat whatever you want within reason, but you’ll still need to avoid sweets and junk food.

A fasting diet plan is perfect for people who need easy rules yet want to consume what they feel like on a weekly basis.

If successfully following the plan, you will benefit from mental clarity, healthy blood lipid levels, and a kick- start into a weight loss journey.

Why it works

Your weekly calorie consumption will be reduced from your 1 day of fasting, which contributes to a successful weight loss.

When not eating for a certain number of hours, your body has time to clear out rest products from all the normal food you eat, making you feel more energized over time. Research also suggests that fasting contributes to longevity from cells repairing themselves.

Clean Eating Diet

Say goodbye to processed food – and focus on whole foods.

Clean eating diet example dishes

This clean eating diet plan will refresh your body inside out, with loads of vegetables, fruits, whole grain, chicken and avocado.

You’ll be recommended to cut out processed food and make mindful choices around your eating habits. Clean Eating is a very healthy and holistic diet plan, flexible to most lifestyles.

Why it works

When you embrace natural foods, in their original state of being and unprocessed, you make sure to cover all the vitamins, minerals and essential energy your body needs to be healthy. It makes it easier to stay satisfied on a lower amount of calories, making weight management long-term become easy.

Classic Dieting

Balanced diet plan – with reduced calories and whole foods.

Classic diet example dishes

A traditional and effective approach to dieting where you focus on portion control and whole foods. You’ll eat regularly and cut back on sugar, refined carbs and bad fats, which is generally quite easy to adapt to. No specific food group is limited, and you’ll aim for a balance.

This easy diet plan suits people with an active social lifestyle. You’ll always find something that fits your diet, even if you eat out.

Why it works

While consuming less calories than you burn, you lose weight. It’s that easy. This simple diet plan doesn’t limit any specific food group and is easy to adapt to, which reduces the risk of fall-back into old habits.

High Protein Diet/ Food for Strength

Fill up on protein – eat until you’re full.

High protein diet example dishes

A high protein diet plan is the best diet plan to support an active lifestyle, as protein help you build muscle and stay strong. The plan includes high quality protein like fish, chicken, and beans. It also gets your snacking habits in control since you’ll always feel perfectly full. You’ll mainly focus on what to eat, not on what to avoid – because when you feel full and satisfied, it’s easier to make healthier choices.

Choose the High Protein plan to lose weight without feeling hungry, without restricting yourself more than necessary – Food for Strength will help you get stronger and build lean muscle.

Both plans include a high protein macro ratio and high protein recipes. The difference? Your calorie consumption.

Why it works

When trying to lose weight, hunger is always tricky. But with loads of protein you don’t need to worry about that — it fills you up on fewer calories. Protein also increases your overall fat burn, while using more energy to digest than other nutrients, as well as keeping your muscles strong and healthy. When building muscle, this plan makes sure you cover your protein & calorie intake to grow.

Mediterranean Diet

Healthy diet plan with lots of unsaturated fats, fruits and veggies.

Mediterranean diet example dishes

Claimed to be one of the healthiest diet plans out there, a mediterranean diet plan includes foods like olive oil, fish, vegetables, legumes and unrefined grains. Thanks to healthy fat acids like Omega-3, this anti-inflammatory diet can improve your brain health, mood and memory.

Although most people can benefit from this diet, it’s an excellent weight management plan in combination with exercise.

Why it works

The mediterranean diet plan has a holistic approach to eating and does not cut out any major food groups, making it easy to maintain through life. As your overall health will improve, you’ll feel more energized, making it easier to make healthy choices day by day.

Scandinavian Diet

A smorgasbord of healthiness.

Scandinavian diet example dishes

The traditional and balanced diet of Scandinavian countries like Sweden, Denmark, Norway & Finland. You’ll eat plenty of oily fish (salmon, mackerel, herring), leafy greens (cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale), game meats, rye bread and other whole grains, berries and low fat dairy products. Expect a lifestyle that is overall healthy and helps you slim down (if slimming down is what you want). In other words, the definition of a balanced diet plan, as it includes good quality carbs, healthy Omega-3 fatty acids and plenty of lean proteins.

Why it works

Healthy fats and a good amount of protein is a great way to reduce your appetite as it increases fullness when eating. Since it does not exclude any major food groups, it’s easy to maintain.

All of the content and media on Lifesum is created and published for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Users should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice. If you have or think you are at risk of developing an eating disorder, do not use the Lifesum app and seek immediate medical help.

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