Plant-Based High-Protein Eating

1. Just add peanut butter  One of the best things about peanut butter is that you can eat it with almost anything. On toast, with an apple, with …

There is a long-standing myth that eating a plant-based diet is bad for you because it means you don’t get enough protein. While this can be true, it doesn’t have to be. There is enough out there these days (and has always been) to make sure you get the nutrients you need while staying away from meat and fish. Here are a few of our favorite ways to ensure you’re getting enough protein when eating a more plant-based diet:

1. Just add peanut butter 

One of the best things about peanut butter is that you can eat it with almost anything. On toast, with an apple, with celery, as part of a dressing for a salad, heck you can just take a spoonful and shove it straight in your mouth!
One of the other great things about it is that it’s full of protein; two tablespoons contain an impressive 15 grams.

2. Eat hummus for dinner

This is the best ever. Typically, I eat it when I just got done with a workout and am ravenous. No cooking necessary: just your favorite veggies and a healthy scoop of hummus. 2 tbsp of hummus will give you a nice 7 grams of protein. Try: Hummus flatbread pizza with Greek salad

3. Power up with oatmeal 

Yes. Oats. Oat pancakes, toasted oat flakes in salad, overnight oats. My get-out-the-door-but-eat-well food is oatmeal in a mug – just add honey for sweetness. These little grains are quite the little protein powerhouse. You’ll find 6 grams of protein in a cup of cooked oats and 4 grams in a cup of oat milk.

4. Eat your (edamame) beans 

Something I could eat by the bucketload is steamed edamame sprinkled with sea salt. You steam the beans in their pod, sprinkle them with salt, and then pop them out of their shells. You get the salt from the shell and the chewy edamame. It is a dreamy and protein-rich snack. You’ll get 8.5 grams in half a cup! Try: Peppery Edamame

5. Remember eggs! 

So simple. Eggs can be cooked pretty much any way you like them: boiled, poached, baked, fried, or scrambled. They don’t require any kind of accompaniment; you can eat them on their own. You’ll get about 6 grams of protein in a single boiled egg.

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