How to Track Food When You’re Dieting

When trying to lose weight, one of the hardest things to remember and commit to is tracking your meals. Here's how the Lifesum app helps you.

Woman tracking her breakfast meal on Lifesum

When you’re trying to lose weight, one of the hardest things to remember and commit to doing is tracking your meals. It’s difficult enough to remember to do it, but it’s even harder to figure out a way to do it. It’s hard to figure out the nutritional information for each food, harder still to figure out your serving size, and just overall a pretty tedious experience. After all, nobody wants to finish a meal with friends and take out their diary to write it all down.

The Lifesum app makes tracking a whole lot easier. It also reminds you to track, so there’s no forgetting. 

Here are the different ways you can track in the app:

  • Barcode scanning
  • Photo tracking
  • Calorie entry
  • Creating duplicate meals
  • Saving favorite recipes
  • Saving favorite meals

Barcode scanning

This is a great function if you’re at the store figuring out what to buy, or if you’re putting together a recipe. Simply scan the food’s barcode and all the nutritional informs on will populate.

Creating duplicate meals

Once you’ve tracked foods for a specific meal a few times, you can easily copy either the individual food items, or save all of them as a single meal. This means that the next time you eat them, you can just add the whole meal to your diary.

Calories only

If you know what you’re eating calories-wise and aren’t too worried about the nutritional information, you can simply opt to enter the calorie information instead.

Saving favorite recipes and meals

For creatures of habit, creating and saving favorite recipes and meals makes it easy to track them whenever you eat them.

Testimonials from some of our customers

  • -4.7 kg in 3 weeks

    I’ve learned that dieting doesn’t have to be difficult, and was really surprised I was allowed to eat tasty things like sandwiches and dressings! The food was delicious, easy to cook, and you even get a shopping list. This program was so easy to follow, and my cravings were gone after only a few days!

    Nikki, 21
  • -5 kg in 3 weeks

    This app is like the best thing that has happened to my health. I was shocked how my cravings were gone after only a couple of days and not wanting to eat between meals really helped. Losing 5kg in only 3 weeks is fantastic, but the best part is the health improvement. I feel remarkably much better, have more energy, better mood, can play with my kids and do more than ever.

    Nathalie, 27
  • -6 kg in 6 months

    The best thing about Lifesum is the full overview you get on your nutrition. I’ve learnt how to prioritize my food which makes me even more motivated to continue my journey. I’ve tried other similar apps before, but Lifesum is really easy to use and stick to.


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All of the content and media on Lifesum is created and published for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Users should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice. If you have or think you are at risk of developing an eating disorder, do not use the Lifesum app and seek immediate medical help.

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