3 tips you need to know when working out

Did you know you can be working out consistently and still not get the results you want? Here are 3 tips to switch things up to get better results.

Woman lifting dumbbells in the gym

Did you know it’s possible for you to be working out consistently and still not get the results you want? You could spend hours, and endless amounts of money, but if you’re doing it the wrong way, you won’t see the kind of change you want.

Here are just a few things that might help make your workouts better:

Modify reps and weights for more toned muscles

We’ve all heard somebody with the fear that lifting heavier weights will lead to bulking up. Here’s what you need to know: if all you’re looking to do is get leaner muscles less fat, then it doesn’t matter how heavy the weights are, it matters how many reps and total sets you do with the different weights. A greater volume of sets and reps will lead to increased muscle mass (I.e. bulk), so if you’re going for sleek, go easy on volume.

Quality is better than quantity (focus on form)

Ever been in a class where it feels like others are racing through the exercises and you’re the slow Joe? Don’t envy those people. While the goal of AMRAP workouts is to manage as many reps as possible, it should never be at the expense of your form. You’ll get better results working slower and focusing on the specific exercises than you will if you rush through. Take your time!

Variety matters

More cardio does not equal more weight loss. And while that may be fantastic news for some of us, that doesn’t mean we don’t need cardio. Not only do you need a good mix of exercises that get your heart pounding, and weights that make you say ‘I can’t do another rep’, you also need to use a variety of exercises that target both individual muscles, muscle groups, and muscles from different groups. Keep things interesting, repetition of the same exercises is not the answer!

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