7 Healthy Snacks You Should Always Have on-Hand

1. Toasted fava beans Fava beans are rich in plant protein, packed full of fiber, and because they contain compounds that enhance antioxidants wh…

I don’t know about you, but when I’m home and working on different things, or say at my desk, I love to graze on whatever food is available.
My favourite snacks are the ones that fit nicely into a small bowl or a little Tupperware container, that I can grab a small handful of every few minutes.
Here’s the thing; while grazing isn’t necessarily the healthiest thing to do, periodical snacking on the right foods can stop you from overeating in other meals. So what should you snack on? We have a few suggestions:

1. Toasted fava beans

Fava beans are rich in plant protein, packed full of fiber, and because they contain compounds that enhance antioxidants which help to boost the immune system. They’re also pretty delicious.

2. Nuts

Walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashew nuts; any nuts will work, just make sure to separate them into small portion sizes so that you don’t get tempted to overeat. Nuts are a great source of healthy fat and protein, so they’ll also keep you fuller for longer.

3. Oven roasted chickpeas

These are so easy to make and delicious to snack on. They’re also stuffed full of protein so you won’t get hungry.

4. Tropical trail mix

If you’re not one to cook, and prefer to buy your food, go for a trail mix. The tropical ones typically contain lots of nice dried fruit, a handful of nuts, and some other fun crunchy snacks like pretzels. Place a small bag or bowl of these by your desk for easy guilt-free nibbling.

5. Homemade potato chips

These are easier to make than you think. You need the right vegetable slicer, a little spray coconut or avocado oil, some sea salt, and a little patience. They’ll be delicious.

6. Granola

Who said granola was just for breakfast? It’s just the right size to slip into your purse and carry around for when you get peckish out and about.

7. Air popped popcorn

This stuff will change your life. And that’s not an oversell. It’s delicious, wonderfully addictive, and perfectly light. Make one batch and you’ll be all about it.

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